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I spent a huge portion of my Saturday at Jordan’s Furniture, and I confess – I always have you on my mind…

And anytime I come across an idea, strategy or tip that has the potential of massively benefiting you and and your business – like a lunatic, I grab my camera or notebook and jot it down for my Insider’s Club Members or, like this one, and post it here on the blog.

During a recession, it’s common for entrepreneurs to focus on the issue of price as a way of driving more business and out-competing their competitors …

But there’s a BIG problem with that…

If your buyers are coming to you solely BECAUSE of price, you’ve now become a commodity.

And as with most commodity businesses, there’s little customer loyalty, reduced profits and a whole lot of headaches. (Wal-Mart is struggling with this very issue right now!)

But a Strategic Entrepreneur (TM)  can take even the most commoditized businesses and turn it around into an experience.

Just as Zappos did for shoes…

…and as Jordon’s Furniture did for furniture.

Check out these videos and you’ll see why I spent my afternoon hanging out at Jordan’s Furniture FOR FUN!



what now?

Continue reading for more resourceful information.


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